Games released in Short genre
# Game Release date
Score rank
(Userscore / Metascore)
Playtime (Median)
1 BeaureCard Feb 21, 2024 N/AN/A (N/A)0 .. 20,00000:00 (00:00)BeaureCard GamesBeaureCard Games


Games in this genre: 1
Average userscore: N/A%
Average metascore: N/A%
Average playtime: 00:00
Total copies owned: 1,000
Average price: N/A

Owners: Estimated number of people owning this game. The number might be way too small for new releases and sometimes way too big for games that had free weekend event recently. Read more on About page.

Playtime: Average hours played in total per person that have actually launched this game since March 2009. This time is calculated for the whole lifetime, not for the particular year.

Average score: Average users and metacritic score for all games with this score assigned.

Average playtime: Average lifetime playtime for all games where this data is available.

Games in this genre: Self-explaining - number of games released in this genre. Only inculdes games with sales data available.

Total copies owned: Refers to total copies of games in this genre acquired by users for the lifetime. Includes copies sold, downloaded for free and given out.

This number might be too small for recently released games or too big for games that had a free weekend in the last couple of months.